Laxnes & Wonders

23.390 ISK person.
10% Online Discount

Why not fill your day with a little bit of outdoors and indoors as well?  Combining a Laxnes Special tour with drop off at Perlan after the riding tour will let you enjoy the wonders of Iceland.  More about Perlan below.

Please note that the combo does not include drop off after your stay at Perlan.

Walking from the city center of Reykjavik takes about 30 minutes.
A taxi takes about 5 minutes from the center.
The local bus has a regular schedule every day and buses no 18 and 13 stop the closest to Perlan.

Perlan in a nutshell

Perlan is a world-class exploratorium where you learn all about Icelandic nature. Scientific wonders come alive all around visitors; northern lights, glaciers, volcanoes, ocean-life, seabirds, and so much more. You explore a real ice cave, sit back in a first-class Planetarium, have fun with interactive exhibits, and enjoy 360° views over Reykjavik.

Perfect before, after, or instead of traveling out of Reykjavík

Perlan is a Nature Exploratorium and among Reykjavik’s main landmarks. You can learn all about Icelandic nature in fun and interactive ways at Perlan’s museum. Some highlights include a real indoors ice cave, hands-on exhibits, a life-size bird cliff full of life, and a show about volcanoes. There is also a Planetarium dome theatre where the northern lights virtually dance all around you. The Icelandic Museum of Natural History also has a hands-on exhibition at Perlan where you discover the mysteries of water in Icelandic nature.

The 360 views from Perlan are spectacular in all directions. You see all over the Reykjavik area, the ocean, and the mountains around.
Perlan is a world-class attraction, educating through experiences. They work with renowned museum artists, the University of Iceland, top-scientists, leading photographers and other specialists to create unique spectacles.

Highlights of Perlan

  • Planetarium with a northern lights show
  • Real indoor ice cave, 100-meter long
  • Modern nature exhibitions and interactive exhibits
  • Látrabjarg Cliff with lifelike birds, 10-meter high
  • 360° observation deck
  • Restaurant and cafe with great views
  • Ice cream parlour with homemade ice cream

Further information

© Laxnes Horse Farm Laxnesi-271, Mosfellsbæ E-Mail: Tel: +354 566 6179
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